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詳細的歷史建立在英國考古學家 保羅李查森 Paul Richardson 的出版工作, 武神館五大 .


武士文化Koryu Bugei




今日仍然有許多人在這世界公然的歧視忍者的傳統,及質疑今日我們修行的內容.無論在任何地方, 請不要認為武神館道場是個' 忍者學校' . 我們的風格是稱作的武道體術 ,合併已有16代.百年歷史的武士文化koryu bugei的多種類武術.這些' 流 '有非常詳細的歷史記載,及其技巧為現今若干大武術流的先祖.在日本,真實上, 武神館系統的忍術 ( 戶隱流 , 玉心流和雲隱流 )提供非常少的>的武術及戰鬥技巧.而與我們練習的技巧,你會發現,這些流派技巧的差別不是如同黑與白那麼好分辨.



許多人知道忍道,武神館道場是由9個古流武術組成的(koryu). 但是許多人仍然錯誤的認為武神館是" 忍者學校" ,許多流派明顯的是武士的繼承物,練習daisho (長和短的刀一起運用的武道) 和yoroi ( 日本的盔甲) .此種武術適當的名稱應是武神館武道體術 .武神館的技巧裡確實含有偵探活動方法的技術.那自古代日本傳統遺留的技術.是大眾廣泛地認為只有這樣的技術存在於忍道.在這重要提醒,在最近的幾年,數個的組織已經從武神館的範圍內分枝出來,但他們的系統都有相同的來源.


這構成武神館道場的九個流派.第一次由一位著名的男人 Toshitsugu Takamatsu . Moko no Tora (蒙古之虎) 是世界上最偉大的武術家之一.融合所認識的忍術,他被日本和中國的皇帝邀請為他們工作.

Takamatsu 先生 樣


生於1887 在一個戰士的家族,由他的伯父教導(Masamitsu Toda , 武士血統的一個強悍的戰士).從他那裡,Takamatsu 先生 繼承神傳不動流, 玉虎流 , 戶隱流 , 虎倒流 , 雲隱流 , 和玉心流 的武術系統.

當他只有13 歲時, Takamatsu 已擁有 神傳不動流的 Menkyo Kaiden (師尊) . 大約在那時間,他被一個青少年的幫派攻擊,其中一個還武裝著一把劍.他打敗了他們所有人 只有當他結束時他才頓悟他已打倒60 個人,但當警察到達時, Takamatsu 是唯一被逮補的人! 他的祖父Toda 由 Kobe Kiryubashi 警察局保釋他後,這事件被 Kobe 報社報導為 "13 歲的柔道專家容易地摔倒了60 個歹徒" . 在那後,數個相撲學校曾嘗試邀請年輕的Takamatsu,但他的父親不允許它.

不久後, Takamatsu 進入Takagi Yoshin Ryu 的 dojo , 在此從他的師父學習了jujutsu , Mizuta Yoshitaro . 他專精並繼承這學校的技巧 .

當他大約是17 歲,一位老師父到他父親的工廠擔任保全工作 . 這老先生是Ishitani Matsutaro , 他可能是Takamatsu's 最大的教師 . Toda 警告他的孫子不要去挑戰這新的師父, 並告訴他九鬼神擾流的技巧是較強的. Ishitani Sensei 教導了Takamatsu ,九鬼神擾流和義鑑流的技術.

 在他後來的20'年 , Takamatsu 移至中國去嘗試他的訓練成果,及為許多的武將工作且穿越近整個大陸 . 這是一個非常危險的時間, 及在介於村莊間開放的道路旅行是非常危險的. 他被投入許多戰鬥, 及經常撕殺共騰. 他時常因防禦的理由而不感到罪惡 . 他的日記已記載了12 場至死亡的戰鬥.如同這場挑戰的結果. 因打敗每一個對手無單一的失敗, 他成為皇室貼身保鑣學校最優秀的學生,並在此教導了上千個學員.

他也曾是 Nippon Minkoku Seinen Botoku-kai 的董事( 日本青年武術協會). Takamatsu 先生 展示他堅韌的手,在十年間骨指術訓練的成果.他可以容易地斬斷樹木枝幹.如此讓觀察的人感受這致命的手,觸摸的威力.

他回到日本後, 蒙古之虎的名稱成為了傳說. 鄰近他生命的結束, 他說他已經殺了超過一百個人. 但他其實是一個非常重視心靈的人, 及希望成為一個和尚( 雖然他晚時遺棄了這思念,因認為只是理想 ) .

在他 85 歲去逝前一年 , 他告訴他的學生初見良紹,他已經教了他所有知道的事. 他有忠實傳達他保管的這個"流"的技巧.並且自己已存在於在歷史的某個地方.

生於1931 , 初見良紹如同任何當時的小孩,開始研究武術 . 在他的 二十歲時, 他已擁有若干的成就. 他已經擁有高階黑帶和教師資格在柔道, 劍道 , 居合道 , 空手道和合氣道 , 並且已經是一個強悍的拳擊手 . 教導柔道於美國在日本軍事崗哨 , 但發生了某些事,改變了他對武術的看法. 他正在使用的技術, 被無任何技巧的軍人攔截並打倒 . 初見良紹知道他已經被打敗了, 及如果這是真實的戰鬥, 那他能已經被殺. 他領悟到 " 日本不能生存如繼續像運動般的武術. "

因此他遺棄所有先前追求的,且於日本的戰鬥歷史中開始搜尋某種理想的武道 . 在很多的搜尋後, 某人告訴他,一位老先生知道一種危險的武術. 這男人的名稱就是Toshitsugu Takamatsu , 且知道他是' 最後的真正忍者 ' . 他是 Toda 家族的一部份, 經由百年支配忍術及最後留下的技巧 , 以及別的武術學校 . 15 年間初見良紹每週旅行到Takamatsu 先生家,只為了學習這古代的武術.

 在1972年4月2號 Takamatsu 逝世後, Masaaki Hatsumi 繼承了此古流的武術系統. 他選擇了介紹這武術給全世界, 他開始教學給外國人 , 大部份的時間在以色列, 有名的劍術家60's . Don Draeger , 也短暫地與初見先生 學習過 , 也如同 Stephen Hayes 在1975 , 將這個武藝帶入了美洲. 從此以後, 許多人旅行到日本直接地從這來源尋找這些"道", 成為 Soke Hatsumi 的個人學生, 及成為他們自己的教師 .

初見先生繼續教那些想要學古老戰士的"道" , 及接受無論任何國家的人 , 種族, 膚色,教義及宗教為他的學生. 他已經嬴取無數個獎牌和名譽, 包含騎士的地位. 在1995年2月11號 由Nakazawa Tosh先生 .被授與Todo Hanshi 的名譽( 劍道師範) , Zen Nippon Todo Renmei 的總幹事( 全日本劍道同盟) .

Takamatsu O'sensei 和 Yakuza

Takamatsu O'sensei 和空手道教師挑戰


 Masaaki Hatsumi Sensei 樣



(1) 唯有詳細閱讀本規定並接受的人才能加入本館
(2) 唯有能表現"武德"及自我控制的人才能加入本館
(3) 如身體經檢查不適合參與武道練習或服用對身心造成不當影響的藥物者.不可參與本館練習
(4) 曾有犯罪記錄或有犯罪行為的人不可加入本館
(5) 不能遵守道館規則或造成其他學員傷害及道館麻煩的人不能參與練習
(6) 武神館並不為參與道館內或其他區域因練習本館武術而受傷的學員負責
(7) 參與武神館的學員每年必須確實更新會員卡.並尊重同樣擁有榮譽成為會員資格的學員
(8) 武神館的精神是借由武術表現人類及萬物的最真實形態.並照亮其中的奧祕


道場指導 :


Meiji 23
Showa 33
Passed on through First Day of Spring
A Lucky Day in March
Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu
Takamatsu Toshitsugu Uou
Hatsumi Masaaki Byakuryuu

(9) 加入後以体術開始學習,
Kyu 等級
1st dan 至 5th dan(天堂)
6th dan 至 10th dan(地球)
11th dan 至 15th dan 師祖(人 )

從11至15dan"人"等級將分成五個層次:土,水,火,風,空 .而成為武神館Happo Biken的最高等級 .第五dan是心靈的測驗,而其測驗由師祖進行 .15dan 即為師範等級.


師祖 初見良紹

First of all, only those persons who consent to this Bujinkan Dojo agreement and are resolved to adhere to it will be allowed to join. Persons who think they cannot adhere to it will not be allowed to join. Accordingly,

(1) Only persons who have carefully read this Bujinkan Dojo agreement and agree to it will be allowed to join.
(2) Only persons who are able to show the determined consistency of true persevering self-control as martial artists will be allowed to join.
(3) A physician's medical report is required. In particular, persons who are mentally unhealthy, persons addicted to drugs, and those who are mentally abnormal will not be allowed to join.
The "requirement of a physician's medical report" includes, for example, persons having illnesses which risk the prevention of the pursuit of martial arts, and the kind of abnormal personalities, abnormal physical constitutions, etc. which the person cannot personally control.
(4) Persons having a past criminal record will not be admitted. Additionally, persons who behave in a delinquent fashion, persons who commit crimes, and persons who cannot keep the law in Japan will also not be permitted to join.
(5) Persons who do not keep the rules of the Bujinkan, who, as both students and members of society, commit shameful acts will be expelled. For example, there are many persons who, in the past, came to Japan and knocked at the gate of the Bujinkan, but were drunken brawlers, mentally abnormal, those who by their delinquent behavior put their own thoughts first and did not think about the trouble they were causing for others, those who pursued evil desires and committed acts contrary to the traditionally righteous attitude of the Bujinkan. All such people will be subject to expulsion.
(6) With regard to any accidents incurred during training, either in the dojo or another location, only persons who can avoid causing trouble for the Bujinkan will be allowed to join. This is an important matter. Accidents are inseparable from the pursuit of martial arts, and persons who cannot resolve these matters themselves will absolutely not be admitted. To clarify a second time, the Bujinkan Dojo will assume absolutely no responsibility for accidents arising during the course of training, no matter what the location.
(7) Persons who have joined the Bujinkan must be sure to have the membership card which is issued every year. This is to preserve the honor of Bujinkan members and, as nobility with the peace of the martial heart, to show that warriors of friendship protect the great way of the Bujinkan Dojo by the gathering of comrades who have the heart of the martial artist. The power of warrior virtue, the proven reason for the loyalty, filial piety and love of friends in the martial arts.
(8) The tradition of the Bujinkan is something which shows the universality of nature and the life of the human race, and is that pursuit of martial arts which enlightens the natural mysteries that exist in them.

*Know that the secret of taijutsu is the foundation of peace
If you study this, you can walk the path of the immovable heart

*Dojo Instruction

*Know that perseverance is, first of all, for but a brief period of time.

*Know that the path of man is justice.

*Forget the heart of greed, comfort, and discrimination (reliance).

*Consider sorrow and bitterness to be natural laws, and simply take advantage of the enlightenment of the immovable heart.

*With a steady heart, do not stray from the path of loyalty and filial piety, aspire deeply to the ways of both literary and martial arts.

The rule of the Dojo is to keep the above 5 laws.

Meiji 23
Showa 33
Passed on through First Day of Spring
A Lucky Day in March
Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu
Takamatsu Toshitsugu Uou
Hatsumi Masaaki Byakuryuu

(9) After joining, beginning with Taijutsu,
Kyu grades
1st dan through 5th dan
6th dan through 10th dan
11th dan through 15th dan Beginner

Ranks from 11th dan through 15th dan of the "Man" level will be divided into 5 levels: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void, and will be the highest ranks in Bujinkan Dojo Happo Biken. The 5th dan examination is of a spiritual nature and is something which is done by Soke. A 15th dan will be considered to be a true shihan.

Currently, the Bujinkan Dojo has become worldwide in nature. Just as the Earth has time zones, taboos also exist according to each country and race. Buyu should hold each other in respect, working together as Buyu who do not commit taboos, putting the heart of the martial artist first, placing importance on the pursuit of the martial arts, and strive to become a virtuous person. The person who cannot hold to the above will be expelled.

Bujinkan Dojo
Soke Masaaki Hatsumi( Martial Name: Hisamune)