
In 1569, during the Yeiroku Era (1568-1579), in the Funagata Yama area of Miyagi, lived a mountain priest from the Abe family called Unryu (Cloud Dragon).1569年,永祿年間(1568-1579),在宮城縣的船行山域地區,住著一個來自阿部家族的在山中修行的僧侶,名為雲龍) The Bugei Ryu-ha Daijiten gives his name as Sounryu.(在武術流派大辭典裡面,他的名字被稱做「早雲龍」) He was an expert in shuriken, bojutsu, yari, naginata and taijutsu from the Amatsu Tatara Rinpo Hiden Makimono.(他是個從天津鞴韜秘藏捲軸中學到手裡劍、棒術、長槍、薙刀、體術的高手) The Amatsu Tatara scroll was kept by the Abe, Nakatomi, Otomo, and Monobe families.(天津韜的捲軸現在被阿部家、中臣家、大友家和高知家等家族保管著) Takamatsu Sensei's family also posessed a copy, through their blood relation with the Kuki family.(高松前輩家也從血親久喜家複製了一份)

Unryu taught his system to Ito Sukesada, a famous martial artist in his day (1570).(雲龍把他的技術傳授給了伊東伊守佐忠,一個當時很有名的武術家) He was a samurai from Katakura Kojuro in the Fukushima Province.(他是福島縣片會小十郎手下的一個武士) He added hanbo, kenjutsu and kodachi to the teachings of Unryu.(他把從雲龍那兒學來的技術中,又加了半棒術、劍術、小太刀) He taught the techniques that would later become Takagi Yoshin Ryu to Takagi Oriuemon Shigenobu, a young samurai from the Tohoku-Shiroishi Han in Oku (a northern part of Japan).(他把這些技術(也就是高木揚心流)傳給了高木折右衛門重俊,一個來自邑久東北白石町年輕武士) He was born on April 2nd, 1625, and died on October 7th, 1711.(生於西元1625年四月二號,卒於西元1711十月七日) He was given menkyo kaiden when he was just 20 years old.(他二十歲的時候,他成為了這個流派的師尊) On the 15th of August, 1695, he was made a shihan of up to six different martial arts of the Imperial bodyguard by the Emperor Higashiyama.1695年的八月十五日,東山天皇任命他為皇宮侍衛的師範,負責教授六種不同的流派

He revised, improved and expanded the techniques that he learned from Ito, and put them together into what he called Takagi Yoshin Ryu, naming it after himself.(高木將他從伊東那兒學來的技術加以修訂、改良並衍生,並把這些招式結合起來,並且以他自己的名字命名為高木揚心流) He studied hard to improve himself for the purpose of avenging his father's murder.(為了報父仇,他努力練習並加強自己的能力) His father had gifted him with the teaching "A willow is flexible, but a high tree is breakable".(他的父親曾教誨他:柳雖柔卻難斷,檜似剛但易斷(譯註:找不到什麼比較相近的中國諺語,只好自己掰))

The style has been called many things throughout its history, including Jutaijutsu, Jujutsu, and Dakentaijutsu.(這個流派有著悠久的歷史,包括柔體術、柔術、打拳體術) It has been heavily influenced by Takenouchi Ryu Jujutsu, and Kukishin Ryu.(並且深深的影響了竹內流柔術和九鬼神流) In the 17th century, the soke of Takagi Yoshin Ryu, Takagi Gennoshin Hideshige, and the soke of Kukishin Ryu, Ohkuni Kihei Shigenobu, fought a friendly match, and became close friends.(十七世紀時,高木揚心流的宗家--高木源之進英重,和九鬼神流的宗家大國鬼平重信進行了一次友誼賽,也因此成了好朋友) The two systems exchanged information, and even became restructured as a result.(兩個流派互通有無,甚至成為了一個新的流派(譯註:可能是指九鬼神流棒術)) The two systems passed down through history very close to each other. (兩個流派在歷史上彼此非常的相似)

The style came to Toshitsugu Takamatsu through Yoshitaro Tadefusa Mizuta in August of 1908, and to Masaaki Hatsumi in May of 1959.(這個流派在1908年八月由水田芳太郎(忠房)傳給了高松壽嗣翊;1959年五月時,傳給了初見良昭)


When applied, the techniques of Takagi Yoshin Ryu go farther than those of Judo or Aikido, making it impossible to roll or breakfall.(在應用上,高木揚心流的招式比柔道和合氣道的招式還更難使對手使用翻滾和受身) The throws are intended to break the shoulder or neck of the opponent.(投擲技都是欲將敵人的肩膀及頸部破壞(損傷)的)